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How to fix the Facebook Ad Manager Error #1815010

By October 29, 2023January 28th, 2025No Comments

How I feel about it now: There are much worse errors to deal with than the “Payment has been disabled for the user (#1815010)”. It’s actually pretty quick to solve, but it does require at least one other person to have administrative access to the Facebook Ads Manager with the issue. Luckily, it’s one of those things in paid social marketing that you only need to deal with once, and every time after (whenever you make a new ad manager for a client) it’s a minor inconvenience.


When I first encountered the error, it was baffling. I had done everything right to set up this new ad account for a client – the campaign, tracking, audiences, and ads. I even got the client to get their payment information added to their Meta Business Suite (and we all know how painful that step can be for clients). All that just to have Facebook reject me.

Sometimes, paid social marketing makes you want to throw your laptop through the nearest window.

The problem seems to be a bug that occurs sometimes, when a new ads manager is created within a Meta Business suite. Or maybe it’s not a bug and Facebook found a clever way to force at least two users to be administrators for every new ads manager. Who knows? The ‘why’ isn’t important. Focusing on the knowledge that only the one user is attached to this bug leads to the fix.


So you’re in the new ads manager and you’ve created the campaign, ad set, ads and hit the publish button only to have the #1815010 error pop-up and prevent the ads in your new campaign from publishing. Here’s what to do:

  1. Contact another administrator for the ads manager about the issue and inform them they need to assist you to clear the error.
  2. Send that user the ads’ (hopefully, you’re starting with at least two ads in every ad set) copy and assets.
  3. That user will need to go into the new campaign that did publish and create the ads themselves under the ad set (this will have also published on your first attempt).
  4. This user will now publish the ads.


Presto. The ads publish and the error clears for the user for whom it originated. If this worked for you, leave a comment confirming it and share this with a colleague who’s run into this error before. Together, we’ll make this a non-issue.