Tips, Fixes and Reviews

The seven pillars of customer success

Book Review of “The Seven Pillars of Customer Success”

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Customer success is one of those often-overlooked areas that can make or break a business.   It is 100% fundamental to good business and yet, new as a formal discipline.…
ponderings of a ppc professional

Book Review on “Ponderings of a PPC Professional”

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What questions do we ask ourselves when sitting, hunched over a laptop, reviewing a client's account?   Kirk Williams shares some answers to that question in his book “Ponderings of…

Book Review of “Marketing: a love story”

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The title “Marketing: a love story” matches the simple appearance of the book: it’s short and delicate looking in it’s mostly white cover, with just a splash of color in…

How to fix the Facebook Ad Manager Error #1815010

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How I feel about it now: There are much worse errors to deal with than the “Payment has been disabled for the user (#1815010)”. It’s actually pretty quick to solve,…